SB614 SFAT TAKUBO #1 3-9

Hager  7871


Senator Takubo moved to amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting therefor a new title, to read as follows:

Eng. Com. Sub. For Senate Bill 614 – A BILL to amend and reenact §18A-5-1 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, generally relating to the process of removal of students from the classroom setting; providing for elementary behavior intervention and safety; clarifying that nothing herein may be construed to conflict with certain federal laws; providing for the removal of students in grades kindergarten through six for unruly and disruptive behavior; providing definition for unruly and disruptive behavior; clarifying that normal or expected behavior by a student is not classified as unruly or disruptive behavior; prohibiting return of student to classroom without teacher’s consent or the school discipline team determining such placement is the best or only alternative available; requiring school discipline team to schedule a conference; requiring the school discipline team to order the placement of the student for a period consistent with the schoolwide discipline policy; requiring consideration of specified factors; specifying requirements applicable to when a grade kindergarten through six teacher in an elementary setting determines that the behavior of a student is violent, threatening, or intimidating toward staff or peers, or creates an unsafe learning environment, or impedes on other students' ability to learn in a safe environment; requiring placement in behavioral intervention program; providing alternative requirements applicable when county doesn’t have access to a behavioral intervention program; providing that the student may not ride the bus; authorizing the principal or other district employee to notify law enforcement if the student is not picked up from school by the end of the day; requiring suspension for the next one to three days while alternative learning accommodations are made; requiring an evaluation of the student under Child Find; requiring a referral for a Functional Behavior Analysis; providing that the student shall receive his or her education through alternative learning accommodations; requiring a risk assessment before the student may return to school; and requiring return to school be on provisional basis.






